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Go filesize optimization tricks

Let's assume that you want to use TinyGo, but can't. What tricks can you employ to make your Go file smaller?

Developed as part of WebAssembly ZZT port research - OpenZoo/openzoo-go.



  • Add -trimpath -ldflags=“-s -w” at the end of the go build comamnd to remove/reduce debugging information.
  • Replace go build with garble -tiny build to remove debugging information/stack traces even further. (Install instructions for garble [here](
  • For WebAssembly, use wasm-opt -Oz -o out/openzoo-go-optimized.wasm out/openzoo-go.wasm to run a separate optimization pass on the WASM binary.
  • Use -gcflags=all=“-B” to disable bounds checking.
notes/programming/golang_filesize_optimization.1665087647.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/10/06 20:20 by asie