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WonderSwan unofficial flash cartridge index

Please avoid buying bootleg cartridges. Doing so encourages not homebrew development, but copyright infringement. Their hardware details are listed for people who ended up with bootleg cartridges already, as well as for documenting the history of the WonderSwan aftermarket hardware scene.

There is reason to believe that more non-bootleg reflashable cartridge solutions may be available soon. Please stay patient.

Note that any photos or videos provided here, unless otherwise specified, are not licensed under the same Creative Commons terms as the wiki. Please ask their author for permission.



  • “Re-flashable?” terms:
    • “Self” - the WonderSwan alone is sufficient to flash the cartridge. One can use BootFriend to reflash such a cartridge.
      • Be careful - if the cartridge is re-flashed without a valid cartridge header, the console will not turn on with it inserted again!
    • “USB” - the cartridge includes a USB port which can be used for flashing.
    • “External” - external device required. This does not include hardware which has an edge connector or pinout for manufacturing use only, or ones which can only be flashed through an external WS-compatible dumper.
    • “?” - not fully tested, most likely it is “Self” that is unknown.
  • Cartridges marked in Bold are currently manufactured (as of writing).
Photo Name Flash chip PCB marks Flash size Re-flashable? SRAM Size RTC Mapper Notes
Wonderswan 8MB, 32KB FRAM Flash Cart (InsideGadgets) MX29LV640ET/EB 8 MB External 32 KB (128 KB?) No 2001
WS Flash Masta JS28F00AM29EWHA WS Flash Masta USB 16 x 8 MB USB, Self 512 KB ? 2003 (or compatible)
WonderMagic Color ? 4 MB External, ? 32 KB ? ? The only console-contemporary flash cartridge. Rare.
WonderDog V1 (64Mbit) ? 8 MB External, ? 32 KB ? ?
WonderDog V3 (64Mbit) ? 8 MB External, ? 256 KB ? ?
WonderDog V3 (32Mbit) M29W320CT PTS-0101 4 MB External, ? 256 KB ? ?
WonderDog V3 (4Mbit) MBM29DL400TC PTS-0101 512 KB External, Self 256 KB ? ? WonderWitch clone
(Bootleg) AliExpress/liulili_0421 MX29LV640??? WONDERSWAN REPROGRAM CARTRIDGE DESIGN BY LIULILI_0421 8 MB ? 256 KB ? ?
(Bootleg) AliExpress/Judgment Silversword S29GL064A90TFIR4 - 8 MB 256 KB ? 2003
(Official) WonderWitch MBM29DL400TC PTS-0101 512 KB Self 256 KB Yes 2003 Added for completeness.

Photo credits:

Device details

WS Flash Masta

  • The “Due to hardware limitations” compatibility list is outdated and inaccurate. Software flaws in the official menu software caused many of the incompatibilities.
  • Flash Masta rev4 uses a genuine Bandai 2003 chip, rev5 uses a re-implementation - details unknown.
  • Until August 2023, the price was $100 (with the occasional 10-20% off sale).
  • The SD card port available on the Flash Masta rev4 is non-functional - it's wired up to the AVR chip, but there is no way exposed to use it on production firmware.



  • The GBxCart with an edge adapter is required to flash this cartridge.


  • Product page - contains flashing and save management software

WonderMagic Color


notes/wonderswan/flashcart_db.1691925794.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/08/13 11:23 by asie