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Practical homebrew size limits for digital distribution

Practical, in the meaning of this page, refers to what the common end user is capable of running.

As physical cartridge/disc releases are only limited by the manufacturer's choice, this page limits itself to digital distribution - that is, the use case running digital homebrew on emulators or physical hardware through the use of flash cartridges.

In practice, this page thus serves as a list of restrictions placed on digital homebrew by common flash cartridge devices. Lighter colors of grey refer to no longer manufactured devices.

Super Famicom/SNES

Device Maximum ROM size Maximum SRAM size Notes
FXPAK PRO (formerly SD2SNES PRO) 12 MiB 128 KiB 16 MiB / 512 KiB theoretical limit, not implemented
Super Everdrive X5 7.5 MiB 128 KiB
Super Everdrive X6 7.5 MiB 128 KiB
Super UFO Pro 8 4 MiB ?

Game Boy/Game Boy Color

Device Maximum ROM size Maximum SRAM size Notes
EverDrive GB X3/X5/X7 8 MiB 128 KiB
EZ-Flash Junior 8 MiB 128 KiB

Note: I think one of those devices actually has a ROM size limit slightly smaller than 8 MiB, but I haven't verified this. Assume 7.5 MiB, to be safe.

Game Boy Advance

Device Maximum ROM size Maximum SRAM size Maximum Flash size Minimum ROM wait speed
EZ-Flash Omega 32 MiB 64 KiB 128 KiB? 2,1
EverDrive GBA 32 MiB 64 KiB 128 KiB? 2,1
Nintendo 3DS (AGB_FIRM) 32 MiB 32 KiB 128 KiB 3,1
SuperCard SD 32 MiB 64 KiB? N/A 4,2

Nintendo DS/DSi

All digital homebrew relies on the flashcart-provided DLDI driver, which is dynamically patched into the executable and provides direct SD card access. As such, the size limit here is just the size limit of the SD card.

An individual file can be up to 4 GB in size, due to FAT32 limits, as well as - for .nds files - due to the .nds format limits.

notes/homebrew/practical_digital_limits.1720896339.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/07/13 18:45 by asie