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6502 C compiler performance

    • Tested compilers: cc65, gcc-6502, KickC, lcc65, llvm-mos, sdcc, vbcc.
    • This is the most comprehensive one. Focuses on typical benchmark samples.
    • They appear to use -O2 as the size optimization flag for llvm-mos, which is odd - -Os gives much better results.
    • Tested compilers: cc65, gcc-6502, KickC, llvm-mos (via pull request), vbcc.
    • Seems to mostly be based on real-world/tutorial cc65 code snippets. Some have optimized ASM to compare against.
  • NESFab benchmark (Could not locate source.)
    • Tested compilers: cc65, gcc-6502, KickC, llvm-mos, vbcc.
    • No methodology; in addition, NESFab is more akin to a high-level assembler than a C compiler.
notes/homebrew/6502_cc_performance.1686333903.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/06/09 18:05 by asie