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M3 (NDS) programming
Original research provided mostly by lifehackerhansol.
Control flags
- KEY1 gap1 length: 0, 256 for SD write and/or multi-sector commands.
- KEY1 gap2 length: 24
- KEY2 encryption: Enabled for data and commands
- Transfer clock rate: 6.7 MHz
- Data block size: 4 bytes (512 bytes for SD commands)
Get card information (B0 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??)
SD multi-sector read request (B1 sd sc sb sa 00 00 00)
- (MSB) sd sc sb sa (LSB) - sector address
SD multi-sector read next (B2 sd sc sb sa 00 00 00)
- (MSB) sd sc sb sa (LSB) - sector address
SD multi-sector end (B3 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??)
SD multi-sector write start (B4 sd sc sb sa 00 00 00)
- (MSB) sd sc sb sa (LSB) - sector address
SD multi-sector write next (B5 sd sc sb sa 00 00 00)
- (MSB) sd sc sb sa (LSB) - sector address
SD multi-sector write status (B6 sd sc sb sa 00 00 00)
- (MSB) sd sc sb sa (LSB) - sector address
SD read data (BA 00 00 00 00 00 00 00)
Returns the 512 bytes read via the “SD read start” command.
SD write status (BC sd sc sb sa 00 00 00)
- (MSB) sd sc sb sa (LSB) - sector address
Returns zero if done, non-zero if ongoing.
SD read request (BD sd sc sb sa 00 00 00)
- (MSB) sd sc sb sa (LSB) - sector address
Returns zero when data is ready to access, non-zero if ongoing.
SD write start (BE sd sc sb sa 00 00 00)
- (MSB) sd sc sb sa (LSB) - sector address
Followed by 512 bytes of SD card data.
? Get cart region ? (CD ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??)
notes/flashcart/m3ds.1697302624.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/10/14 16:57 by asie