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WonderWitch FAQ


What is the WonderWitch?

The WonderWitch is a personal software development kit developed by Qute Corporation for the WonderSwan and released in July 2000. It allowed users to create and publish their own independent WonderWitch-compatible games and applications.

What items do I need to use a WonderWitch?

These items are necessary to use the WonderWitch environment:

These items are useful, but not mandatory, to use the WonderWitch environment:

Note that a PDF copy of the WonderWitch manual is provided on the CD, so you don't need to own it physically to have all the included material.

Where can I acquire a PC serial port adapter for the WonderSwan?

My WonderWitch cartridge's version of FreyaOS is outdated. Where can I download the latest version?

If you own a licensed WonderWitch cartridge, you may download the FreyaOS 1.2.0 update package on Qute's WonderWitch Player website. While the site is intended for WonderWitch Player owners only, this file also was available for registered WonderWitch owners via an FTP server; however, that server is no longer online.

Some games depend on external IL libraries like Where can I download them?

Typically, these libraries were available on the WonderWitch and WonderWitch Player CD-ROMs, as well as on the WonderWitch registered user portal. While permission has been granted to redistribute some of them as part of games, many older releases do not include these libraries. Links to online copies of commonly required libraries are provided below:


What programming languages are supported by WonderWitch?

Officially, assembly and C are supported for direct compliation; however, the community has enabled the use of other programming languages, like (old) C++ for direct compilation (via Turbo C++) or BASIC for interpretation (via WonBe).

Which compilers can be used with WonderWitch?

The following compilers had official libraries provided for them by Qute Corporation on the WonderWitch CD:

The following compilers were adapted for the community for use with Qute Corporation's official WonderWitch libraries:

The following compilers can be used with unofficial, community-made libraries:

Can any 8086 compiler be used with WonderWitch?

No. To support the WonderWitch architecture, a compiler must:

  1. not assume that DS == SS (under Freya, the data and stack segments are placed in different locations - data in SRAM, stack in IRAM). This is not a very common combination, as typically DOS applications used the same segment for near data and stack contents;
  2. support arbitrary CS (code segment) locations without relying on relocation - this, in practice, usually prohibits use of far code memory models.

The typical memory model used for WonderWitch software is small with the DS != SS assumption. It may also be possible, in some cases, to adapt compact memory model compilers.