====== WS Backup Tool ====== This utility allows you to: * Backup the console IPL / boot ROM, * Backup and restore cartridge data, * Backup, restore and erase cartridge save data (SRAM and EEPROM supported), * Reflash self-reflashable cartridges, like the WonderWitch (experimental). ===== Downloads ===== * **[[https://wonderful.asie.pl/ws/bootfriend/ws-backup-tool-v0.2.1.bfb|WS Backup Tool v0.2.1]]** (11th June 2024) * [[https://wonderful.asie.pl/ws/bootfriend/ws-backup-tool-v0.2.0.bfb|WS Backup Tool v0.2.0]] (9th April 2024) * [[https://github.com/asiekierka/ws-backup-tool|Source code]] * [[https://github.com/asiekierka/ws-backup-tool/blob/main/COPYING|License]] (GPLv3+) ===== Instructions ===== If [[project:homebrew:wsbootfriend#loading_bfb_programs|loading the .bfb program]] was successful, you should be greeted with the following option screen: {{ :project:homebrew:wsbackuptool:main.png?nolink |}} You shouldn't need to change the serial port speed from the 38400 bps default, but if you experience connection stability issues, feel free to change it to 9600 bps. ==== Console IPL / boot ROM backup ==== To create a console IPL / boot ROM backup: - Initiate an [[project:homebrew:wsbootfriend#xmodem_file_transfer_guides|XMODEM download]] on your PC. - Select the ''Transfer IPL...'' option. - Wait for the XMODEM download to finish. ==== Cartridge backup ==== {{ :project:homebrew:wsbackuptool:cart_backup.png?nolink |}} To create a cartridge backup: - Select the ''Cart Backup...'' option. - Ensure that the cartridge configuration (ROM, SRAM, EEPROM size; ROM access width, speed) is correct. * The tool will try to auto-detect cartridge configuration based on its [[https://ws.nesdev.org/wiki/ROM_header|header]]. Most of the time, you should not need to change any option. - Initiate an [[project:homebrew:wsbootfriend#xmodem_file_transfer_guides|XMODEM download]] on your PC. - To back up cartridge data, select ''Backup ROM...''. To backup up save data, select the ''Backup SRAM...'', or ''Backup EEPROM...'' option, depending on cartridge. * Most cartridges will only have SRAM or EEPROM, but not both. - Wait for the XMODEM download to finish. ==== Cartridge restore ==== {{ :project:homebrew:wsbackuptool:cart_restore.png?nolink |}} To restore cartridge save data from a backup: - Select the ''Cart Restore...'' option. - Ensure that the cartridge configuration (SRAM, EEPROM size; ROM access width, speed) is correct. * The tool will try to auto-detect cartridge configuration based on its [[https://ws.nesdev.org/wiki/ROM_header|header]]. Most of the time, you should not need to change any option. - Select the ''Restore SRAM...'', or ''Restore EEPROM...'' option, depending on cartridge. * Most cartridges will only have SRAM or EEPROM, but not both. - Initiate an [[project:homebrew:wsbootfriend#xmodem_file_transfer_guides|XMODEM upload]] on your PC. - Wait for the XMODEM upload to finish. ==== Cartridge erase ==== To erase cartridge save data: - Select the ''Cart Erase...'' option. - Ensure that the cartridge configuration (SRAM, EEPROM size; ROM access width, speed) is correct. * The tool will try to auto-detect cartridge configuration based on its [[https://ws.nesdev.org/wiki/ROM_header|header]]. Most of the time, you should not need to change any option. - Select the ''Erase SRAM...'', or ''Erase EEPROM...'' option, depending on cartridge. - Wait for the erase process to finish. ==== Cartridge flashing ==== To flash cartridge data: - Make sure your cartridge is //self-flashable// (supports the 2003 mapper's flashing protocol - port 0xCE), and that its flash chip is supported (see below). - Select the ''Cart Flash (Expert)'' option. - Set the ''Size'' to the size of the data you want to flash to the cartridge. * Only data padded to a multiple of 64 kilobytes is supported. - Set the ''Mode'' based on the flash chip used (see below) - Select the ''Write Flash...'' option. - Initiate an [[project:homebrew:wsbootfriend#xmodem_file_transfer_guides|XMODEM upload]] on your PC. - Wait for the XMODEM upload to finish. - Check the status message at the bottom. - If it says ''Header bootable'', the cartridge will boot a WSC/SC correctly. - If it says ''Header not bootable'', the cartridge will **not** boot a WSC/SC correctly. As the 2003 mapper does not support hot swapping, you **must** either reflash the cartridge without turning off the console, or risk having to use an external device to reflash it. Supported flash chips: * generic flash chips using AAh/55h/A0h ("Regular" mode) * Fujitsu MBM29DL400/MBM29DL800 ("WonderWitch" mode) * Micron JS28Fxxx29EWx ("WSFM" mode) * MX29L3211 ("MX29L3211" mode) ===== Changelog ===== === v0.2.1 (11th June 2024) === * Added support for flashing MX29L3211 chips. * Fixed accelerated writing of MBM29DLx00 and JS28Fxx29EWx chips. * Added "Header bootable"/"Header not bootable" warning. === v0.2.0 (9th April 2024) === * Improve SRAM chip detection. * Allow zeroing SRAM/EEPROM size values. === v0.1.9 (20th February 2024) === * Allow pressing ''B'' to move to the end of the menu. * Improve flashing code. * Update toolchain.